I am a hoarder. It is not something I am proud of, but it is something I own. I can't bear to part with cards I received on my tenth birthday from my Nana or the necklace I got from my Aunt when I turned 16. Today it became clear how bad it is, though.
I just shredded a bunch of paperwork and not the kind of personal paperwork people SHOULD save. I shredded about 25 expired coupons I had saved "just in case" I needed extra diapers, baby food, or a onesie. COME ON! get over it. I am sure I bought those things in the past 9 months - but I did not use the coupons! WHY (oh why!!!) do I save them? It is a compulsion to save and use.
I am off to toss. I NEED to clean some things out of here TODAY.
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4 years ago